How to Untag Yourself from an Instagram Photo, Story or Comment?

If you’re tagged on Instagram without being asked, you need to know how to untag yourself on Instagram. And here you’ll find how to do it.
Sometimes our profile is tagged on a photo that is not our best angle or even it is just not a photo we would like people to see on our profile. You could exclude that tag or maybe just hide it from your profile, so the person that tagged won’t see that you removed their tag.
Here you can find how to untag yourself on Instagram, hide the photo from your profile and also how to tag and untag other profiles to your photos, identifying accounts on your posts or stories.
What does it mean to have Instagram tagged photos?

You can identify people on your posts by tagging their profile name on them, letting other people be able to visualize their accounts.
The same way, they can tag you on their posts and other followers can find your profile by clicking on it. But how is it done?
By following those rules you can tag accounts on your posts or story, showing all the friends, family and other profiles you are interacting with or you can untag your profile name, deleting it or hide the photo tagged from your profile on your Instagram tagged photos:
How many people can you tag on Instagram?
Regarding the rule of quantity of people able to be tagged on a post, Instagram only allows you to tag up to 20 people/accounts.
If you try to tag more than this exact number, probably the platform will not allow you to do another tag, unless you delete a previous one that was already on your post.
Keeping track of how many people you’ve tagged already will help you while tagging other accounts on your new content.
How do you tag someone on Instagram story?
If you would like to tag someone on Instagram story, find the following tips:
1. Select the video or post you would like to share on your story
2. Click on the icon “Aa” on the top right corner.
3. Type “@” and then the name of the user
4. Click on “Done”
5. Share your story by clicking on “Your Story” on the bottom left corner.
It is easy to tag someone in Instagram story content.
How do you tag someone on Instagram post?
Having Instagram tagged photos is a nice way to share moments, showing who was with you, by tagging their accounts profile. You just need to:
1. Choose the content you are going to post, photo, video or reels.
2. Before sharing your post, click on “Tag people”
3. Type “@” and the username of the profile you would like to tag and choose their profile from the menu
4. Click on “done” on the top right corner
5. Share your post on Instagram, clicking on “share” on the top right corner.
How do you tag someone on Instagram comment?
Tagging someone on a comment is super fast and easy.
You just have to write your comment and then typing “@” and right after the username of the profile you want to be tagged, choosing it from the menu of names it will show.
After that you just need to click on “post” and your comment will be posted with the account you chose tagged on it.
How to remove tags on Instagram?

You must be wondering, if tagging someone else on your posts is so easy, maybe you will receive many tags that you might not want.
As you will see, removing tags on Instagram is easy as well. In this post you are going to learn how to remove a tag, untag someone on Instagram and how to hide tags on Instagram.
Our main focus is how to remove tags so you don’t have to worry about the posts you were tagged in.
How to untag yourself on Instagram story?
Can you untag yourself on Instagram if the person tagged you on a story? The answer is simple: yes, you can! Follow those steps and learn how to untag yourself on Instagram story:
1. Click to visualize the story you were tagged on
2. Click on the three dots at the bottom right corner of the story
3. Choose the option “share”
4. Click on “Untag me”.
This way you can untag unwanted mentions of you on Instagram stories.
How to untag yourself on Instagram posts?
Untag yourself from a post on Instagram is simple:
1. To untag yourself on Instagram post, click on the photo or video you were tagged in.
2. Click on your profile username.
3. Choose “Remove Me From Post”.
4. Click on “Remove”.
You can follow those steps and untag your profile, or you can also choose to hide your tagged photos on Instagram.
Hide tagged photos on Instagram is a good choice if you don’t want the person who tagged you to know that you removed the tag from the post.”
How to untag yourself on Instagram comments?
If you don’t want to have your profile username on a specific tagged comment, you can either ask the person to remove your name from the comment or block that account.
Unfortunately Instagram doesn’t give you an option of removing a tag on Instagram that was made on the comments section. You can only untag yourself on Instagram if the tag was made on a post: video, reels or photo.
Untagging yourself on Instagram comments is not possible if your profile is public, but you can also block the person to avoid future tags on comments.
How to untag someone on Instagram?
If you want to untag a person from your own post on Instagram, you have to first:
1. Find the post you want to remove the person from
2.Click on the three dots at the top-right corner and choose “”edit”” from the menu
3. Click on the tag icon, on the bottom left corner (the icon is a person inside a circle) and the usernames tagged will appear
4. Click on the username you want to remove and then on the “X” right next to the name.
5. Click on “done” to remove
6. Click on “done” again to save the edit.
How to hide your tagged photos on Instagram?
Even after learning how to remove tags on Instagram tagged photos, you don’t have to necessarily choose that option. You can also learn how to hide tagged photos on Instagram.
Sometimes people want to know how to remove a tag because they believe that is the only option, but you can also choose to leave the tag and just hide it on your profile account. To hide your tagged photos you just need to:
1. Click on the photo or video you were tagged in.
2. Click on your profile username.
3. Choose “Hide From My Profile”.
Learning how to use the many tools Instagram offers is very interesting to keep your account from being tagged on unwanted posts, hide tags or even remove them from different stories, comments and general posts, such as photos, videos and reels.
Using the step by steps shown here, you can easily find the best way to untag yourself on Instagram.
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